Aoyama Gakuin University
AGU Environmental Humanities Forum
Launched in April of 2021, the Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU) Environmental Humanities Forum facilitates a community of scholars and educators who engage in issues of human relationships with the environment with an interdisciplinary mind and approach.
AGU環境人文学フォーラムは、青山学院大学の人文諸分野の研究者を中心に、これまで個別に進められてきた研究を環境という視座からとらえ直し、相互の研究の接点を可視化して協働につなげることにより、環境をめぐる問題を多角的かつ学際的に考察する学術コミュニティの構築を目指すものです。 当面は、月例研究会を通して研究交流を行います。
また、青山学院大学は、ノルウェー研究評議会の国際共同研究助成INTPARTに採択された研究課題The Asia-Norway Environmental Storytelling Network (ANEST, 拠点大学スタヴァンゲル大学)のパートナー大学であり、2023年3月までの研究期間中、海外パートナー8大学(ノルウェー、中国、台湾、香港)との研究・教育交流が計画されています。AGU環境人文学フォーラムは、ANESTとの連携も視野に入れて、活動を進めていきます。
Greenhouse Environmental Humanities Book Talk Series
Aso, Erica Professor (British literature), Department of English
Dabbs, Thomas Professor (British literature), Department of English
Date, Naoyuki Professor (British Literature and Culture), Department of English
Hashimoto, Tomohiro Associate Professor (postcolonial theory and literature), Department of English
Matsui, Yuko Professor (British literature), Department of English
Matsuki, Honoka PhD student (British literature), Department of English
McCready, Elin Professor (semantics and pragmatics), Department of English
Nishimoto, Azusa Professor (African-American literature), Department of English
Sato, Izumi Professor (Japanese literature), Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Schieder, Chelsea Szendi Professor (contemporary Japanese history), Department of Economics
Shimizu, Miki PhD student (American literature, ecocriticism), Department of English
Torigoe, Keiko Professor (soundscape studies and design), Department of Cultural and Creative Studies
Yuki, Masami Professor (American literature, ecocriticism), Department of English