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Online Talk#3: “Animals in the Forest and Anthropological Manga”

17 July 2021, 10-11 AM JST

Speaker: OKUNO Katsumi (Professor, Anthropology, Rikkyo University)


もっと知りたい!と思われた方は、奥野克巳+MOSA『マンガ人類学講義 ボルネオの森の民には、なぜ感謝も反省も所有もないのか』(日本実業出版社、2020年)をぜひお読みください。トークで写真とともにお話しいただいたプナンの「実生活」が、マンガを通して感じられてきます。また、最後に収められている「解説・マンガ人類学入門」では、 新たな学問としてのマンガ人類学の全容を知ることができます。


Mary A. Knighton, “Invasive Species: Manga’s Insect-Human Worlds,” Animal Comics: Muptispecies Storyworlds in Graphic Narratives, edited by David Herman, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp. 139-158.



報告者:奥野克巳(立教大学 異文化コミュニケーション学部・教授)


In 2006, I started to dwell with the Penan hunter-and-gatherers living in the tropical rainforest of Borneo in Southeast Asia, and I was gradually fascinated by how deeply and widely animals were integrated into the lives of the people. Not only were there strong taboos against the wild animals they hunted for food on a daily basis, but there were also complicated customs surrounding their relationship with the animals. So many animal tales were told and I could not distinguish whether people were talking about humans or animals. I began to think that the richness of the movement of wildlife in and out of the forest, which far surpassed the hunted animals that I witnessed on a regular basis, could not be reached through "materialist" or "symbolic" approaches to animals, nor could it be handled by anthropology, which emphasizes ethnographic traditions confined to writing and language. When I visited the field with a manga artist, I realized that I wanted to shed light on the "imponderabilia of real life" in the field, as Malinowski advocated some hundred years ago and then I collaborated on an "anthropological manga". In this talk, I would like to share some of the points I have noticed in the process of making the manga, and think about the significance and challenges of expressing the topics of the humanities in manga.*This talk will be given in Japanese.


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